Announcing Scientific Software Days 2012

Tue 25 September 2012 by Andy R. Terrel

Deadline for Proposals: Nov 1, 2012

ACES 2.402
University of Texas at Austin
Austin TX
December 17, 2012
9 AM -- 5 PM

Scientists use software for their research. Some of them also develop computational software as part of their research. Scientific Software Days is an ongoing meeting of users and producers of scientific software, with presentations by scientific software tool makers and the users of their tools. The objective is to build cross-disciplinary community and skills in the diverse set of users and developers of scientific software, both academic and industrial.

Most groups that use supercomputing cope with their scientific software environment in isolation, not always relying on prepackaged “canned” solutions. Many successful lines of research and development are achieved, but many times less than optimal paths are taken, simply because computing is done by people stretched between computational skills and skills in the relevant science and engineering specialties. Available tools and methods are not always known to the people who need them, and time pressure makes it hard to make the best use of the tools available. Support staff at supercomputing centers is stretched and is best at responding to specific issues rather than offering broad support.

We seek to build a community to address these needs. The Scientific Software Days at UT Austin is intended to nucleate that community. If you are involved in any end use or development of scientific software, you can benefit from and contribute to this goal.

This is, therefore, a somewhat unusual call for presentations. Ideal presentations for Scientific Software Days are of two types:

  1. presentations of generic tools that can be used in scientific software development and deployment

  2. presentations of specific work, focusing on experience in developing scientific software, workflows, and tool chains. We are especially seeking presentations of the second type.

We would appreciate a brief introduction to your work intended for a general scientific audience, and then a focus on your workflow or any particular aspect of it that presented particular challenges or required original solutions. The target audience will be a broad selection of the scientific and engineering communities with a particular interest in supercomputing. Let’s get to know each other and learn from one another.

Conference Details

Talk Submission
